U.S. Toll Free: 1.800.992.2402 Sales@KEIRmfg.com

KEIR’s aerodynamic composite BackBone Bow is designed to incorporate all the positive features of an enclosed bow without any of backbone bowthe negatives associated with operating a totally enclosed flyer bow. The semi-enclosed BackBone Bow gives the customer increased reliability and performance needed in today’s competitive environment.

The triaxially braided I-Beam construction has much greater durability than layered/laminated designs, allowing the BackBone to take more hits and endure higher stress. This results in significantly increased operating life and less machine downtime. The aerodynamic cross section equates to 18-34% lower energy consumption depending on operating speed and machine type. Higher TPM along with superior wire quality and drawdown are also achieved with the BackBone.

Because of these demonstrated benefits, a North American manufacturer recently converted all 65 of their Northampton Twinners to BackBones as part of their corporate process optimization/green initiatives program. After a thorough evaluation they are realizing 5-6 years of bow operating life and energy savings of approx. 30%.

To obtain more information on how the BackBone Bow will enhance your twinning/bunching operation, contact Mike Walters, Sales and Marketing Manager or visit the website listed below. KEIR also manufactures other engineered products including air wipes and ceramic guide parts. www.KEIRmfg.com


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