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KEIR Manufacturing Inc. is a US-based manufacturer of first-class engineered process components for the global wire and cable industry. The company is exhibiting in a few weeks at the renowned trade show Wire 2016 that is going to take ceramicsplace in Dusseldorf, Germany, from April 4-8.

At Hall 9 Stand 9C69, KEIR Manufacturing Inc. is going to present to all interested visitors its ability to produce a diverse range of high-purity technical ceramic guide parts. KEIR is able to duplicate most standard and specialty items.  KEIR can make prototypes from 99.8% pure Alumina ceramic to replace parts made of metal, plastic, or other materials.  The company’s proprietary production process provides the versatility to make this wide range of parts without tooling charges.

KEIR offers this value proposition:
High-quality, long-wearing ceramic solutions, delivered quickly at low cost.

KEIR Manufacturing Inc. also manufactures the Frontiersman line of Air Wipes and Composite Flyer Bows. The company is dedicated to making products that enable manufacturing processes to run more efficiently and productively through the application of leading edge materials. Its solutions are focused on continuous process improvement, energy saving, and longer operating life.

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