The Mission
The mission of KEIR Manufacturing, Inc. is to engineer value for its customers. The company is dedicated to making products that enable the wire and cable industry to run more efficiently and productively through the application of leading-edge materials.
KEIR differentiates itself by offering not just products, but a partnership with each client to create solutions of real value to meet specific challenges. KEIR’s product solutions are focused on continuous process improvement, energy savings and longer operating life.
Technical Ceramics
KEIR Manufacturing is able to duplicate most standard and specialty parts. KEIR can make prototypes from 99.8% pure Alumina ceramic to replace parts made of metal, plastics or other materials.
The company’s proprietary production process provides the versatility to make this wide range of parts without tooling charges. KEIR offers this value proposition: High-quality, long-wearing ceramic options, delivered quickly at low cost.
Air Wipes
KEIR’s patented SureShot and SplitShot Air Wipes provide a far more effective drying method, and one that does not depend on high-volume air consumption. This efficient design yields exceptional drying performance using a very low volume of compressed air, and lasts much longer than other brands due to the rugged ceramic insert lining the wire path.
KEIR Manufacturing offers the following value proposition: Air Wipes that exceed performance expectations using at least 25% less compressed air while having an operating life of years as compared with months.
Composite Flyer Bows
KEIR’s triaxially braided composite standard and Back- Bone flyer bow constructions have greater durability than layered/laminated designs, allowing them to take more hits and endure higher stress equating to increased operating life and less machine downtime. The more aerodynamic Back- Bone design functions at lower power consumption (up to 40% less energy) and higher TPM, resulting in improved wire quality and further reduction in bow breakage. KEIR Manufacturing offers this value proposition: Leading edge flyer bow designs providing longer operating life, less machine downtime, and lower energy consumption.
KEIR manufactures products for a diverse group of industries. In addition to the wire and cable market, KEIR produces engineered technical ceramic products for the textile, brick and sand blasting industries as well as hightemperature furnace components. The company also operates a department manufacturing abrasive stones. To obtain additional information and technical specifications on the technical ceramics products, air wipes and composite flyer bows offered by KEIR Manufacturing, Inc., contact Mike Walters, Sales and Marketing Manager, or visit the website listed below.
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